Advent: Hope

“Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.”

– Psalm 80


In Latin, Advent means “coming” or “arrival”. It makes sense that we should be of great hope during Advent, since it is meant to be a “coming” of someone or something.

Anytime we know there will be “a coming” of someone or something, we must prepare and be ready. We prepare ourselves because we love and anticipate the arrival of this good.

In this Sunday’s readings, it is clear that God is calling His people (back then and today) to long for something beautiful to happen. He wants us to anticipate and hope that God will be with us in our trials and save us from our sins.

Jesus says, “Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.”

Jesus’ words remind me of the importance of being hopeful. Our goal in life is to be in union with our Lord, and throughout our lives, God fulfills this longing in our hearts. We must trust Him, and live with the hope that says we believe in God’s loving promise. We, like Jesus tells us, must be ready and hopeful, because God will fulfill our hopes at times we may not expect. God is not subject to our time or plans.

Mother Teresa experienced much spiritual darkness in her life. She often felt as if God no longer loved her and had abandoned her. However, Mother had great hope in God’s promise of love for her, even if she could not yet feel the fulness of His presence. She had hope that God loved her deeply, and that God had a purpose in every aspect in her life.

This week, let’s ask God for the grace to be hopeful, to trust in His love and promise to give us the grace to be in relationship with Him.

Challenge: “Watch, therefore; you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming.”

– Jesus, Mark 13:35

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The museum will be closed Wednesday March 27 & Thursday March 28 for maintenance and private event.