Lynwood, Los Angeles
In Lynwood, Los Angeles, the Missionaries of Charity have a shelter for unwed mothers. On this trip, Ave students are able to work with the mothers in the shelter, as well as serve in the soup kitchen and
In Lynwood, Los Angeles, students stay in the Missionaries of Charity home. The apostolate varies depending of the dates and seasons. Some of the work our students do is to assist with pregnant single women living in the women’s shelter. They also visit the nursing home, help with the parish youth group by preparing for their children’s summer camp, distributed food in their soup kitchen, and helped prep/pack up/serve boxed dinners to the poor/homeless in downtown LA.
“I think service/volunteer work helps to draw one out of oneself and makes one newly grateful/appreciate one’s blessings, material and spiritual, in comparison to those in need.) Anna Hugoboom
Washington DC
The Missionaries of Charity house “Gift of peace” is located in 2800 Otis Street, Washington DC. In this house, the Ave Maria university students join the MCs in feeding, cleaning, and caring for the elderly, handicap and developmentally disabled people. Additionally, students help the sisters with their children’s summer camp.
Norristown, Pennsylvania
The Summer Bible Camp in Norristown operates during the month of July and is offered for children from ages 4-16. The Sisters usually have about 70 local children join them for days filled with singing, dancing, games, crafts, and snacks, all emphasizing the annual theme of the camp. The week concludes with a Friday field trip to a local attraction. These range from playgrounds to museums to even Norristown farms.